Wave Spawner

Wave Spawner

This scriptable object provides configuration for the various waves used when the Runtime Spawner has Wave Spawning enabled.

To Create a new Wave Spawner config you can Right Click in the Project window and go to ‘Create Other ⇒ Runtime Spawner ⇒ Wave Spawner’

Or use the Assets menu (Create ⇒ Runtime Spawner ⇒ Wave Spawner)

This will create an empty Wave Spawner, as shown below:

Click the ‘+’ button to create new Waves.

Below is a screenshot of a populated Wave Spawner



The description for this wave spawner. Can be queries in game. See the scene ‘3. Wave Spawner’ for an example.

Spawn Delay

A delay before we start spawning any of the waves.

Spawn Instance Interval

Specifies a delay between spawning individual AI Agents as specified by this Wave Spawner.


The actual waves that we are spawning. Click the ‘+’ button to create a new wave, which will show the Wave configuration, as shown below.

Wave Configuration

When you add a new Wave to the Wave Spawner, it has a number of available properties for you to configure

Wave Info

General wave configuration properties.


A name for this wave (ie ‘Wave 1’ or ‘Boss Wave’). Can be queried in game. See the scene ‘3. Wave Spawner’ for an example.


A description for this wave. Can be queried in game. See the scene ‘3. Wave Spawner’ for an example.

Wave Timing

Properties that control how the Wave is spawned.

Spawn Delay

A delay before starting to spawn this wave

Spawn Instance Interval

A delay between spawning each AI Agent during this wave.

Spawn Count Min

Spawn Count Max

These two properties determine how many AI Agents that should be spawned during this wave. A random number of AI Agents will be spawned between the Min & Max number.

Wave Spawners

A list of Spawn Entry configurations that will be used to spawn AI Agents. See the Spawn Entry section of the documentation for more info.

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