Samples Overview

Installing Samples

In order to install the samples, open the Package Manager window and find the Runtime Spawner in the list of packages in your project. Select the ‘Samples’ tab and then click ‘Import’ beside the Runtime Spawner Sample, as shown in the image below:

This will install the samples into your project under the ‘Samples’ folder similar to what is shown below. (The exact folder structure and contents may change if a new version of the Runtime Spawner package is released):

The samples are organized into the following scenes:

  • Code - contains logic for the character controller, and several sample AI behaviour scripts (see Extras, below)

  • Content - contains materials for the player and AI characters as well as a Grid texture (created by from his Prototype Textures pack)

  • GameData - sample SpawnEntry configurations for the AI characters

  • Prefabs - Prefabs for the Player, AI Characters and ground assets.

  • Scenes - the sample scene included in the package.

To get started, open one of the sample scenes included with the sample.

Text Mesh Pro Essentials

If you do not have the TextMesh Pro essentials in your project, Unity will prompt you to install them when opening the demo scene.

This is due to the fact that we have a simple UI in the demo scene. Click ‘Import TMP Essentials’ to add them to your project.

Last updated