Import & View Metadata

Setting up BG Database for your own projects

Import Data from Google Sheets

Once you have configured BG Database properly (setup your import job), importing updated data from Google Sheets is very easy.

Simply open BG Database and navigate to the Export / Import tab, then select the Job you created under the ‘Jobs’ tab.

Once you have the Job you created selected simply click ‘Import’. BG Database will notify that you have specific Transfer mode and the latest data will be pulled down from Google Sheets.

BG Database will prompt you saying that you are in ‘Transfer Mode’ (which is what we want). This will overwrite the Local Metadata with the latest from Google Sheets. Click ‘Ok’ to transfer.

BG Database will prompt you to save again.

And you have successfully updated the metadata from Google Sheets!

Viewing the Database Data

To view the updated data open the BG Database Window (Window => BG Database) and navigate to the ‘Database’ tab up top and you will see the updated data

The sheets are listed on the left. Select each to show the rows in their sheet data.

Last updated