Creating an Import Job for Google Sheets

Once you have configured the data source, importing / iterating on the data is much simpler.

Set up your Import Job

Step 1: Add a ‘Job’

Before we can import the data, we have to setup a ‘Job’ to do the import. This only needs to be done once.

  • Open BG database (Window -> BG Database)

  • Export / Import tab

  • Jobs tab

Click the ‘+’ button to add a new job. You will see a popup.

Choose ‘Google Sheets’ from the list, give your Job a name and click ‘Add’

Step 2: Choose your data source

After you create your Job, it will tell you that the Data source is not defined.

Simply Choose the Data source we created previously from the dropdown.

Step 3: Configure Merge Settings

Next, BG Database will tell you that you haven’t specified how you want to merge the data (if required).

Switch to the “Merge Settings’ tab

And choose ‘Transfer’ from the dropdown

Note: This will overwrite any LOCAL changes to the database with whatever is on the Server (and vice versa)

Last updated